Site Retargeting for Addiction Treatment Centers


Site retargeting is the process of targeting website visitors that did not convert on their visit with relevant ads to keep your brand top of mind, and re-engage them in your service. When it comes to the addiction treatment space, site retargeting hasn’t been offered through Google or any of the other large site retargeting companies. The Drug Rehab Agency is proud to have built a platform and partnerships that allow our clients to use this high ROI marketing channel.

Who should be using site retargeting?

If a treatment center is driving organic, paid search, or social traffic to their website, site retargeting would provide a very high ROI. We have a client that only generates 1,500 visitors to their site each month. This is done through SEO only and they have seen an increase of 70% in phone calls and a return on investment of over 300%. If you are driving traffic to your site and spending money on marketing, site retargeting is for you.


If you are spending any money on marketing your treatment facility, site retargeting is built for you. Our platform has driven ROI over 300% in just 3 months. Our data shows that people take 20-40 days to convert in the addiction space. This means that if you spend money on marketing to get them to your website and they don’t convert (roughly 97-95% of site visitors do not convert) it is highly possible you have lost them. With site retargeting, we can continue to keep your brand front of mind by showing different advertisements to them during their 20-40 day journey so when they are ready, you are there for them to call.

What Is Included

Our site retargeting for addiction centers includes everything. There is no hidden “set-up” fees or added cost to creating the advertisements.


We work directly with you to outline what we need in terms of creative assets (pictures) and we take it from there. We create 2-3 pieces of creative to start the process. These pieces of creative revolve around the data we have collected on what people want to see and when, during their 20-40 day cycle, they want to see it. This includes the facility, modalities, and reviews.


Our retargeting team and software review the results week by week. We make small adjustments based on the results we are providing for our clients. In many cases this is about spending more budget on higher value site visitors based on the pages they visited on your website. As an example, if someone visits just the homepage and leaves, they are not high priority. However, if a person visits the home page, testimonials, facility, and treatment level pages they are close to making a choice. We will spend more budget targeting that individual. As with any marketing program, we operate from data. Meaning the more data we have the better the results.


After 7 years in the space, we have realized how important proper reporting is for our clients. Our drug rehab retargeting product is no different. We provide a full report each month of what was spend, number of clicks, calls, and increase in other marketing channels due to retargeting. As a value add, if you are not currently using a dynamic number tracking system on your website (provides you with what marketing channels generated each call from your website) we will be happy to add your center to our agency account. This give us insight into how calls are going and gives you insight into all marketing channels you are using.

Timeline To Results and Price

If you are involved in the marketing of your treatment center, you know that there is not “silver bullet” when it comes to getting immediate results. As site retargeting takes time to collect data and our optimization team needs to make changes, it can take upto 2 months to see a true result. We ask our clients to give site retargeting just 4 months to test the results. We even give an trial period rate of $5,000/month versus our standard minimum of $7,500.

What are the results

We understand that in this space, everyone promises the world and seems to almost always fall short. So, we have asked one of our clients in Florida if we could share their numbers. They actually went above and beyond on sent us an email showcasing their over 300% return. You can view the email here. It is important to note that the results for this center are based off of JUST SEO traffic. This client does not run any Google or Bing paid search budget. Simply SEO. Imagine what could happen if you had a large scale SEO and Paid Search budget driving traffic? If this small center in Florida can generate $90k in revenue off of just 2 months of site retargeting, image what a large center spending $50k/month in adwords can do.

Give us a call today or fill out the form below to have a free consultation on your websites traffic and availability in your area.