Opening a treatment center is not like opening a Mcdonalds or an AirBNB - not only are you providing medical services you are also saving lives in the process. Because of this, each state has specific regulations and licensing procedures. These regulations work to ensure only centers that can help people are available to the public. Navitating this process alone can be a very difficult task, espeically for those that are not already in this industry. This is why we have create these eBooks. Within each book you will learn about the following:

  1. Licensing Summary

    1. Levels of Care and Licenses Required

  2. State Regulations Which Govern Facilities

    1. Definitions of Regulations Put Into Laymen’s Terms

  3. Application Procedures By Requirements

    1. Corporate Requirements

    2. Operational Requirements

    3. Physical Plant

    4. Staffing

    5. Licensure Fees by Level of Care

  4. State Contacts

  5. Links to All Needed Materials

  6. Project Timeline From Start to Opening

  7. Our General Recommendations For Opening a Facility